When should I use a colon?
- After a *complete introductory clause and the phrase–clause, or examples–that develop or explain the first clause
There are three different reactions to fear: freeze, fight, and flight (Poumpouras, 2020).
- When a full sentence follows the colon, it must start with a capital letter.
Everybody understood the silence: It was time to leave.
- To describe ratios and portions
The current ratio of TESLA is 2:1
- Do not use colons when the introductory phrase is not a dependant clause:
The formula to calculate energy is mc2
My favourite books are War and Peace, Les Misérables, and Crime & Punishment.
My boss told me to
- Write a quote,
- Create an invoice, and
- Receive the payment.
*Complete introductory clauses: an idea that does not need extra explanation.
Adapted from: (APA, 2020, p. 156)
The American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th edition.