Feb 6, 2025 | Blog, Devocionales, English, Posts
Devotional Hebrews 12:5-17 by Andrés Chinchín “What you endure is for your discipline, for God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?” (Hebrews 10:18). In these verses, the author of the book of Hebrews leads us to...
Feb 5, 2025 | Blog, Devocionales, Posts, Spanish
Devocional Hebreos 12:5-17 por Andrés Chinchín “Lo que soportan es para su disciplina, pues Dios los está tratando como a hijos. Porque, ¿qué hijo hay a quien el padre no disciplina?” (Hebreos 10:18). En estos versículos, el autor del libro de Hebreos nos lleva a...
Jul 2, 2023 | Blog, Posts
Use words to express: Numbers zero through nine in text including abstracts. Any number that begins a title, sentence, heading. If possible, reword the sentence, so it does not begin with a number. Thirteen students arrived late, and only 10 were on time. Common...
Jun 25, 2023 | Blog, Posts
In general, use numerals to express number 10 and above, and letter to express numbers below 10. However, consider some exceptions. Uses numerals to express Numbers 10 and above including the abstracts Number that priced a unit of measurement 5 cm between… Numbers...
Jun 18, 2023 | Blog, Posts
Use: The Latin abbreviation only for parenthetical material. * Punctuate the abbreviation as if it were spelling out the translation. Do not use The Latin abbreviation for narrative material. Instead, use the translation. Latin Abbreviation Translation cf....
Jun 11, 2023 | Blog, Posts
Do not abbreviate: The words “day,” “week,” “month,” “year,” even when they are next to a numerical value. Abbreviate: The words “hour,” “minute,” “second,” and other measurements of seconds when they are accompanied by a numerical value. Term Abbreviation...