In general, use numerals to express number 10 and above, and letter to express numbers below 10. However, consider some exceptions.

Uses numerals to express

    • Numbers 10 and above including the abstracts
    • Number that priced a unit of measurement
      • 5 cm between…
    • Numbers that represent statistical or mathematical fractions, decimal quantities, percentages, and rations
      • Multiplied by 3
      • More than 6%
      • The 7th percentile
      • A ratio of 14:1
    • Numbers that represent time, dates, ages, scores and points on scales, exact sums of money and numerals as numerals
      • The numeral 8 on the keyboard
      • 1 hr 45 min.
      • 4:30 pm.
      • 6-year-old
      • $8 extra dollars
    • Numbers that show a specific place on books and series, but when the number precedes the noun, the usual guidelines for number use apply
Number after a noun Number before a noun
Year 3 The 1rd year
Grade 5, Grade 11 The fifth grad, the 11th grade
Items 2 and 6 The second and sixth items
Question 3 The third question
Table 3, Figure 6 The third table, the fifth figure
Column 9, Row 8 The ninth column, the eighth row
Chapter 2, Chapter 13 The first chapter, the 13th chapter

(Adapted from APA, 2020, pp.178-179)

The American Psychological Association. (2020).  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th edition