Paraphrasing and summarizing are ways of incorporating the ideas of an author into your own work.

    • Paraphrasing is writing your understanding of a portion of a text. The paraphrased text is shorter than the original.
    • Summarizing is writing the main ideas of a longer text in your own words.

In MLA style, paraphrasing and summarizing should have a full reference of a source on the Works Cited page.

The citation could be done in a parenthetical or narrative way, and they must include the last name of the author and the page number.


Examples (Lake Land College, 2022):


One Page:

Mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby’s studies (Hunt 65).


Hunt discussed mother-infant attachment becoming a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby’s studies (65).


Multiple Pages:

Mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby’s studies (Hunt 50, 55, 65-71).


Hunt discussed mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby’s studies (50, 55, 65-71).



Prude Online Writing Lab. (2022). Quoting, Paraphrasing. Purdue University.

Lake Land College. (2022). Library: Citing Sources: MLA 8 In-Text Citations. Library.