For APA 7, you must space after the following punctuation marks:
- Punctuation at the end of a sentence. These could be commas or periods
During the pandemic, many people struggled to survive.
- After commas, colons, and semi colons
The students were glad to see their teacher again; he had been gone for two months.
- Periods that separate the different parts of a reference.
Osmani, F., & Maliqi, B. (2012). Performance management, its assessment and importance. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 41, 434 – 441.
- Periods between the initial of a name
M. J. Johnson
Avoid inserting punctuation in the following situations:
- After the internal periods of abbreviations
e.g., U.S., i.e.
- Periods within identity-concealing labels for participants taking pats in a study or research
- Colons in ratios
Adapted from: (APA, 2020, p. 154)
The American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the american psychological association 7th edition.