Do not define:
- Abbreviations that are written as terms in the dictionary (e.g., IQ)
- Measurement abbreviations
- Latin abbreviations
- Many statistical abbreviations
Define all the other abbreviations, even those that are familiar to your readers
*Once you have abbreviated a term, use only the abbreviation.
Definitions in the text:
For the first time, present both the full version of the term and the abbreviation
- Do not define the abbreviation in the heading. Instead, do it the first time the term appears on the text
- Use the abbreviation in the heading, only if it has been previously defined or if it is a dictionary term
- When abbreviating, place the abbreviation in parenthesis after it
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- When an abbreviation appears within parenthesis, write it within brackets.
- (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD])
- When a citation accompanies an abbreviation, write it after it and separate it with a semicolon.
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; Adam et al., 2023)
- (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]; Adam et al., 2023)
- Do not define the abbreviation in the heading. Instead, do it the first time the term appears on the text
Definitions in tables and figures:
- Define abbreviations used within each table and figure, even if it has been previously defined on another table or text
- The abbreviation may appear within parenthesis:
- Within the table or figure,
- their title, or
- in the table or figure general note or ledge
- Define it for every table
Do no define abbreviations that do not appear in the table or figure, nor abbreviations for units of measurement and statistics.
(Adapted from APA, 2020, pp.173)
The American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th edition