Matthew 10:1-7
By Andrés Chinchín


“Go and tell them that the kingdom of heaven is near” (Matthew 10:7)


In these verses, Jesus chooses his disciples and gives them power. This allows us to see that when we receive God’s call, he begins to train us for his work, even when this is not so obvious to the naked eye.

Jesus also shows us his love and compassion for those who belong to God’s family and have gone astray, either because of their bad decisions or because of the decisions of his leaders (Jeremiah 50: 6). In this portion, he sends his disciples to preach the coming of God’s kingdom first to the lost people of Israel.


To think:

Do you feel lost or unable to carry out God’s calling on your life?

Be encouraged, for the Lord is looking for those who have been lost; and training those whom he has called.



Thank you, Lord, because you are the initiator and perfecter of my faith. Help me to trust you and walk on the path you have prepared for me. Amen


Guzik, D. (2018). Matthew 10: The sending of the twelve. EnduringWord. © 2023 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik –