Isaiah 49:8-17
by Andrés Chinchín
“I will turn all my mountains into roads, and my highways will be raised up” (Isaiah 49:11)
This prophecy about God’s servant—Jesus himself—shows a moment of anguish and pain in which he feels that his work has been in vain. However, it is God himself who guides the servant towards victory, caring for him and preserving him from danger, so that he may fulfill the will of the Most High to rescue many; and so that the mountains and obstacles become a blessing instead of an obstruction (Redpath, n.d, as cited in Guzik, 2021).
To think:
In what area of your life are there mountains and obstacles. Maybe this is the time to move forward hand in hand with God and see how the mountains transform into open paths.
Lord, thank you for your love and mercy, I trusted you in difficult times, so that you turn my mountains into paths.
Guzik, D. (2021). Isaiah 49: The messiah’s mission. EnduringWord. © 2024 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik –