Exodus 32:7-14
By Andres Chinchin
These verses show us how God’s heart breaks when he sees the disobedience of his people. Our sin affects our relationship with God, and puts us at a disadvantage on the path that leads us to accomplishing his purpose.
However, we see that Moses’ prayer caused the Lord to reconsider the punishment he was going to bring over his people. The prayer has the following parts:
- Moses reminds God that Israel is his people;
- Then he begs God to act according to his grace. For it was by grace that He brought them out of Egypt, and not because they deserved it.
- Moses appeals to the glory of God. Which was deployed in front of the Egyptians.
- Finally, Moses asks God to act according to his goodness, faithfulness and great love.
And God listened to Moses, and did no harm to the people.
To think
“In the want of other rhetoric, let Christians in their prayers urge with repetition. Lord, thou hast promised, thou hast promised. Put the promises into suit, and you have anything. God cannot deny himself” (Trapp, as cited in Guzik, 2018).
Lord Jesus, thank you so much for your love and mercy, faithfulness, and promises. Help me to walk in love and fear of your word.
Guzik, D. (2021). Exodus 32: The golden calf. EnduringWord. © 2023 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik –