Mark 9: 30-41
by Andrés Chinchín


“If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35).


Jesus’ disciples had been arguing about who among them was the greatest. They, like us, were used to the fact that the most important people were those who lived in opulence and had people who constantly served them. However, Jesus redefines the status quo, and brings a different concept. For him, it is those people who serve others who will be first; Jesus himself, on the night he was betrayed, washed the feet of his disciples.


To think about:

It is not those who reign and oppress others who will inherit the kingdom of heaven, but those who do the will of God and serve others.



Lord, thank you that you came to this earth as a servant, and taught us to love and work for our neighbor. Give us strength and patience to do your will on this earth.
