Periods (APA 7 Mechanics 2/21)

Periods (APA 7 Mechanics 2/21)

When should I use periods? At the end of a sentence …And they lived happily ever after. For the initials of a name Harrison, H. F. When using U.S. and U.K. as adjectives She is a U.S. citizen For Latin abbreviations e.g., i.e., For era designations B.C.E., B.C., A.D.,...
Spacing After Punctuation Marks (APA 7 Mechanics 1/20)

Spacing After Punctuation Marks (APA 7 Mechanics 1/20)

For APA 7, you must space after the following punctuation marks: Punctuation at the end of a sentence. These could be commas or periods            During the pandemic, many people struggled to survive. After commas, colons, and semi colons The students were glad to...
Paraphrases and Summaries in MLA Style

Paraphrases and Summaries in MLA Style

According to MLA Style, you should use in-text citation to indicate whose work you paraphrased, and you should have a full reference of the source on the Works Cited page. An MLA in-text citation can be done in two ways: parenthetical and narrative. Both ways required...
Paraphrasing and Summarizing – MLA Style

Paraphrasing and Summarizing – MLA Style

Paraphrasing and summarizing are ways of incorporating the ideas of an author into your own work. Paraphrasing is writing your understanding of a portion of a text. The paraphrased text is shorter than the original. Summarizing is writing the main ideas of a longer...
Adding or Omitting Words in Quotations (MLA)

Adding or Omitting Words in Quotations (MLA)

If you are adding words or sentences that were not part of the original quotation, you will need to write them within brackets. Example (Purdue Online Writing Lab, 2022): Jan Harold Brunvand, in an essay on urban legends, states, “some individuals [who retell...
Long Quotations MLA

Long Quotations MLA

What is considered a long quote? Long quotations are more than four lines for prose, and more than three lines for poetry (University of Mary Washington, 2022). What is the style? It must start on a new line. The entire quote must have a one-inch left indentation....