Matthew 7:13-20
by Andrés Chinchín


“For narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:14)

The Christian life is not a walk of ​​tears and torment. However, it requires fidelity and self-sacrifice.. This is what Jesus is referring to when he invites his followers to take the narrow path. Teachers will come into our lives who will encourage us to take a simpler route, but they themselves will later condemn us for having followed that path. For that reason it is important that we connect with God through his word and his holy church, in order to live a life that reaps good fruits.


To think:

In what area of ​​your life are you tempted to take the easy route? Ask the Lord to fill you with wisdom and will to follow in his footsteps.



Dear Jesus. You are God and ruler of this world; Help me and give me strength to follow your path and thus reap eternal life in the end.
