John 2: 23-25
by Andrés Chinchín


“But Jesus himself did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people. He did not need anyone to explain to him anything about man, for he himself knew what was in man” (John 2:24-25).


Sometimes we can get excited about extraordinary experiences and charismatic leaders, and that can distract us from our true objective—the knowledge of God. Jesus knew exactly this danger, and understood that man is very weak and fickle, for that reason he always maintained his firmness and determination despite the praise and praise of people.


To think about:

In what areas of your life could I have let you be dazzled by emotions and appearances?



Lord, thank you for your love and mercy and for your faithfulness in the midst of our fickleness. Give us clean hands and firm hearts, to follow you and love you without being deceived by the appearances of the world.
