May 31, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, Spanish
Devocional Jeremías 31:31-34 Por Andrés Chinchín Dios se identifica a sí mismo como un marido fiel para su pueblo. Él los persigue y no permite que la maldad y el pecado sean un impedimento para su relación; más bien, él promete limpiarles el corazón y borrar...
May 28, 2023 | Blog, Posts
Do not define: Abbreviations that are written as terms in the dictionary (e.g., IQ) Measurement abbreviations Latin abbreviations Many statistical abbreviations Define all the other abbreviations, even those that are familiar to your readers *Once you have abbreviated...
May 25, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, English
Devotional Acts 20: 28-38 By Andres Chinchin Sometimes false prophets come to a congregation. Wolves in sheep’s clothing trying to mislead the flock and lead people away from the path of truth. These people focus more on receiving than giving, and it is...
May 24, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, Spanish
Devocional Hechos 20: 28-38 Por Andrés Chinchín En ocasiones, a la congregación llegan falsos profetas. Lobos vestidos de ovejas que intentan desviar al rebaño y apartar a las personas del camino de la verdad. Estas personas se enfocan más en recibir que en...
May 21, 2023 | Blog, Posts
An abbreviation is a shortened version of phrase and word. When using abbreviations consider the readers familiarity with the expressions. When to use abbreviations? Use abbreviations when they are conventional, and readers are more familiar with it than with the...
May 18, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, English
Devotional John 16:16-20 By Andres Chinchin Sometimes the Christian life is different from the life of the world. Many times we have to lament before being comforted and wait before being satisfied, but it is that waiting and lament that prepares us for the joy...