Mar 12, 2023 | Blog, Posts
When should one use parentheses? To mention independent elements The number of customers is increasing everyday (see Table 6). To write in-text citations Willard and Foster (2019) describe (Willard & Foster, 2019) To introduce abbreviations The United Nations (UN)...
Mar 9, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, English
Devotional Jeremiah 17:5-10 By Andres Chinchin In these verses, the Lord warns us about the danger of placing our absolute trust in our own strength, wisdom and feelings. Our hearts are sick because of sin and are often unable to show us the path of truth and...
Mar 8, 2023 | Blog, Poetry
Se nos acaba el tiempoEs tarde, te quieroY aunque quiera curarme, sé que no hay remedio Ya nos acostumbramos a un amor en coma Perdió el conocimientoAún siente, respiraPero no es suficiente una señal de vidaNo intentes arreglar lo que ya no funcionaA este amor será...
Mar 8, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, Spanish
Devocional Jeremías 17: 5-10 Por Andrés Chinchín En estos versículos el Señor nos advierte del peligro de depositar nuestra absoluta confianza en nuestra propia fuerza, sabiduría y sentimientos. Nuestro corazón, está enfermo a causa del pecado, y a menudo es...
Mar 6, 2023 | Blog, Posts
Quotation marks appear with other punctuation marks. Commas and periods go inside the closing quotation mark. Colons, semicolons, and ellipsis go outside closing quotation marks. When should I use double quotation marks? When referring to a letter, phrase, or sentence...
Mar 2, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, English
Biblical Commentary Numbers 21: 4-9 By Andres Chinchin These verses show us God’s faithfulness and love. Here, the people lost hope in the middle of the desert and began to speak against God—his care and provision through the way—and against Moses. For...