Slash–APA 7 (part 10)

Slash–APA 7 (part 10)

When to use it: To clarify a comparison in a compound adjective Brief /short-term camps Spiteful/Ill-minded people To specify two possibilities Latino/a Separate numerators from denominators X/Y 2/4 Separate units of measurement accompanied by numeric values 9 deg/s 5...
Devotional–March 24th

Devotional–March 24th

Devotional Exodus 32:7-14 By Andres Chinchin   These verses show us how God’s heart breaks when he sees the disobedience of his people. Our sin affects our relationship with God, and puts us at a disadvantage on the path that leads us to accomplishing his...
Devocional—Marzo 23

Devocional—Marzo 23

Devocional Éxodo 32: 7-14 Por Andrés Chinchín Estos versículos nos muestran cómo el corazón de Dios se quebranta al ver la desobediencia de su pueblo. Nuestro pecado afecta nuestra relación con Dios, y nos pone en desventaja en el camino que nos lleva a cumplir su...
Square Brackets–APA 7 (part 9)

Square Brackets–APA 7 (part 9)

When to use square brackets To enclose material that is already in parentheses. (The results of the hypothesis [h=5] are presented in Figure 4). To enclose the abbreviation if the abbreviation is in parentheses. (United Nations [UN]; Butler et al., 2003) For...
Devotional–March 24th

Devotional—March 17th

Devotional Matthew 5: 17-19 By Andres Chinchin    These verses show us our inability to fulfil God’s perfect law. In our own strength, our righteousness cannot surpass the righteousness of the Pharisees and teachers of the law, and this is because the...
Devocional—Marzo 23

Devotional—16 de Marzo

Devocional Mateo 5: 17- 19 Por Andrés Chinchín   En estos versículos nos muestra nuestra incapacidad para cumplir la ley perfecta de Dios. En nuestras propias fuerzas, nuestra rectitud no puede superar la rectitud de los fariseos y maestros de la ley. Ya que el...