Devotional— 22 de Junio

Devotional— 22 de Junio

Devocional 2 Corintios 9: 6-11 Por Andrés Chinchín   “Y el que da semilla al que siembra, y pan al que come, proveerá y multiplicará vuestra sementera, y aumentará los frutos de vuestra justicia” (2 Corintios 9:10).   El señor nos bendice para que así...
Latin Abbreviations—APA 7 (Part 14.e)

Latin Abbreviations—APA 7 (Part 14.e)

Use: The Latin abbreviation only for parenthetical material. * Punctuate the abbreviation as if it were spelling out the translation. Do not use  The Latin abbreviation for narrative material. Instead, use the translation.   Latin Abbreviation Translation cf....
Devotional—July 16

Devotional—July 16

Devotional 2 Corinthians 3:4-11 By Andres Chinchin   “It’s not that we consider ourselves competent in ourselves. Our ability comes from God” (2 Corinthians 3:5). In these verses, the apostle Paul talks about his ministry to the people of Corinth and...
Devotional— 22 de Junio

Devocional—15 de Julio

Devocional 2 Corintios 3: 4-11 Por Andrés Chinchín   “No es que nos consideremos competentes en nosotros mismos. Nuestra capacidad viene de Dios” (2 Corintios 3:5). En estos versículos, el apóstol Pablo habla sobre su ministerio con la gente de corinto y describe...
Time Abbreviations—APA 7 (Part 14.d)

Time Abbreviations—APA 7 (Part 14.d)

Do not abbreviate: The words “day,” “week,” “month,” “year,” even when they are next to a numerical value. Abbreviate: The words “hour,” “minute,” “second,” and other measurements of seconds when they are accompanied by a numerical value.   Term Abbreviation...
Devotional—July 16

Devotional— July 9th

Devotional Mark 12: 18-27 By Andres Chinchin   “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are very wrong!” (Mark 12:27). Sometimes we seek to fit God’s infinite knowledge to our limited understanding. This is what happened to the...