Jul 5, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, Spanish
Devocional Génesis 21:5-20 Por Andrés Chinchín “En ese momento Dios le abrió a Agar los ojos, y ella vio un pozo de agua. En seguida fue a llenar el odre y le dio de beber al niño” (Génesis 21:19) En ocasiones pensamos que el Señor se ha olvidado de nosotros y...
Jul 2, 2023 | Blog, Posts
Use words to express: Numbers zero through nine in text including abstracts. Any number that begins a title, sentence, heading. If possible, reword the sentence, so it does not begin with a number. Thirteen students arrived late, and only 10 were on time. Common...
Jun 29, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, English
Devotional Genesis 15:1 By Andres Chinchin “Don’t be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, and your reward will be great” (Genesis 15:1). In these verses we find father Abraham, after having defeated very powerful kings, afraid or...
Jun 29, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, Spanish
Devocional Génesis 15:1 Por Andrés Chinchín “No temas, Abram. Yo soy tu escudo, y muy grande será tu recompensa” (Génesis 15:1) En estos versículos encontramos al padre Abraham con temor, después de haber derrotado a reyes muy poderosos, ya que temía...
Jun 25, 2023 | Blog, Posts
In general, use numerals to express number 10 and above, and letter to express numbers below 10. However, consider some exceptions. Uses numerals to express Numbers 10 and above including the abstracts Number that priced a unit of measurement 5 cm between… Numbers...
Jun 22, 2023 | Blog, Devocionales, English
Devotional 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 By Andres Chinchin “And he who gives seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, will provide and multiply your seed, and increase the fruits of your righteousness” (2 Corinthians 9:10). The Lord blesses us so that we...