Devocional— 8 de Junio

Devocional— 8 de Junio

Devocional Marcos 12: 18-27 Por Andrés Chinchín   “Él no es Dios de muertos, sino de vivos. ¡Ustedes andan muy equivocados!” (Marcos 12:27). En ocasiones buscamos ajustar el conocimiento infinito de Dios a nuestro entendimiento limitado. Esto es lo que les...
June’s Art—Paintings

June’s Art—Paintings

This month, we bring you the art of Federico Lucas Antenore “Crido”, a young painter and writer from Argentina, with a passion for teaching and helping people to connect with their inner-self through art. Find his classes and art on the link below.  ...
Format of Abbreviation—APA 7 (Part 14.c)

Format of Abbreviation—APA 7 (Part 14.c)

Plural Forms: To make abbreviations plural, you do not need o add and apostrophe IQs URLs ps *Do not add “s” for pages or for units or measurement pp., 5cm, 12 hr Abbreviations Beginning a Sentence: Never begin a sentence with a lowercase abbreviation (cm) Or with a...
Devotional—June 2nd

Devotional—June 2nd

Devotional Jeremiah 31:31-34 By Andres Chinchin   God identifies himself as a faithful husband to his people. He pursues them and does not allow evil and sin to be an impediment to their relationship; rather, he promises to cleanse their hearts and completely...
Devocional— 8 de Junio

Devocional— 1ro de Junio

Devocional Jeremías 31:31-34 Por Andrés Chinchín   Dios se identifica a sí mismo como un marido fiel para su pueblo. Él los persigue y no permite que la maldad y el pecado sean un impedimento para su relación; más bien, él promete limpiarles el corazón y borrar...
Definition of Abbreviations—APA 7 (Part 14.b)

Definition of Abbreviations—APA 7 (Part 14.b)

Do not define: Abbreviations that are written as terms in the dictionary (e.g., IQ) Measurement abbreviations Latin abbreviations Many statistical abbreviations Define all the other abbreviations, even those that are familiar to your readers *Once you have abbreviated...